How I use facebook

Facebook for me is a place for me to try and get to know people better. I only share pictures of my friends and family with people I trust enough to get to know better. If I have invited you it’s because I have known of you and met you IRL (in real life) and think we have enough in common to become better acquainted.

I have invited quite a few people to Facebook and had them go silent however. They are pictures on a wall, I call them “oil paintings”. It’s hard to talk and get to know an oil painting, I have spent time at the MFA talking to a Renoir that has gotten me absolutely nowhere.

Seriously however, In an era when we have so little or no time, I try and take the time to make connections that matter most. On Facebook, to me anyway its about making better acquaintances and better friendships.

Buzz off thanks

Google Buzz, I tried it, and I was overwhelmed with people from China, Taiwan and other countries wanting to follow me. If I spoke Mandarin it might make sense, since it appears I have trouble with English sometimes maybe not so much. I was never bum rushed like that on twitter, but it was enough to make me stop. Buzz off.

Chris Penn wrote about how Brilliant Google Buzz is. I agree that less noise and better exchanges are great, but I thought friend feed was lots like that. Buzz seemed like friend feed light to me, or friend feed with fewer share channels. While I like friend feed lots, I don’t really think I need two of them. I also don’t relish the need to distract myself any further on a daily basis. Less being more of course.

If you need to turn off your buzz also see the CNET blog post below it tells you in detail how to shut it down correctly. Not doing it correctly apparently leaves your personal info out there.

To tweetup or not to tweetup that is the question.

My first foray into hosting a tweetup in Boston was an unmitigated disaster. I like 80’s music and I enjoy talking with people. I figured hanging out and listening to 80’s music and talking to people would be fun. I was wrong. This apparently does not a tweetup make. I am not certain what the proper “tweetup parameters are”, but I am sure there are people that worry about that somewhere. I thought I would give it a go, I had read the Stuart Foster article on how to host a successful tweetup after-all.

I had a good venue in House of blues, there was a 80’s concert going on afterward that people could attend if they wanted to pay 20.00 to go see some cool local 80’s bands. I had suggested to people to dress up, make it fun and send me a few 80’s songs they liked and remembered so I could add them to the play list… Crickets.

It wasn’t a total loss or waste of time for I learned much about the online hosting of events and how serious it is. I did learn much more about eventbrite, which btw is a real good platform for your event. They have great customer service and also send you guidance emails which assist in helping you with your event.

I also learned that there are two different tweetvite / twtvite entities. Both look good, and both have good analytic s. Twtvite is dialed into a whole suite of other products. and you can measure practically everything about your tweetup it appears. That’s a good thing right?

Ironically I had much better luck in the 80’s with groups and hosted events. Back then, we yelled our parties and event invites at the top of our lungs out in the Quad at NU. We also usually got about 100 or so attendees. Ahhh progress.

Do you like the 80’s Music?

I was fortunate enough to attend College in Boston when Boston was the alternative music hub of the universe. I also spent lots of time at Spit and Manray dancing to New Order, The Smiths, The Psychedelic Furs, and many many others. I realized recently that when I decided to host a tweetup about 80’s music at the house of blues this Tuesday 2/11/2010 at 5pm. that many of the people on twitter may not have been old enough to remember some of the 80’s music. Oops.

The 80’s saw all the great techno dance bands visit Boston. We also had the Cars, and J Geils band as the home team along with many many more great local club bands.

This Thursday the former 80’s music video channel V66 is hosting a reunion concert featuring a bunch of these local Bands from Boston’s 80’s. I encourage the younger twitter users to check out the tweetup and the concert that follows if you can. You will get a crash course on what started the 80’s music scene in America, because all of it started here in Boston.

For more info on the V66 reunion Concert check out House of Blues Boston Website here