Skippy gets to a tweetup

I sign up for tweetups with the best intentions, most are in cool places in Boston that I would like to visit again. Tonight I finally got to one at the Marketing Profs / Tapas tweetup at the Renaissance Hotel in the seaport area. The Marketing Profs has it’s two day conference there today 6/8 and tomorrow 6/9 and it was very well attended by all I talked to about it. They also had a tapas tweetup for non attendees also which is why I went. 9ubgwkse8y

The food was great, great marinated artichokes, and the sandwich things were good. There were olives and peppers and chicken with thai peanut sauce. All very good but all not Tapas. When I think Tapas I think small plates, but thats ok free food is good food and the renaissance had some of the best to nosh on.

The room was full and lots of people were milling about. I saw and met lots of people I tweet with that I had not had before in real life. I am bad with twitter names so if I goof yours up writing I appologize in advance.

I saw and spoke with twitter friends @JoselinMane happy Birthday again and many many more. You rock. I saw @damphoux from Green leads, @Robertcollins and a clone who reportedly was @chrisbrogan but I was always told he never attends boston events so I was dillusional obviously. Thanks for the compliment btw, your clone rocks. I figure if I am going to dilude myself I would throw that in also. THe other person I saw that I met before was @missusp, and I am glad my video production skills at New Marketing summitt were not completely lost.

New people I met for the first time in person were @JoeCascio, @dough , @fairminder, @jimstorer and @jeffglasson you guys were all great to talk with. Though @dough skipped out without paying “that DB”. I also was very fortunate to meet @bostonmarketer finally.

I want to thank the organizers Marketing Profs and 451 Marketing for co sponsoring the post seminar event and tapas tweetup. I had gone outside to twitter for a minute (no signal on edge) and when I returned Joselin mentioned they had called my name.

Usually the only time I get my name called is in a court room or a Starbucks so I was skeptical. I had won a prize however a very nice prize indeed. It was a Casio 8.1 megapixel youtube ready camera. Wow, just for showing up. I need to go to more of these tweetups.

My thanks again to Marketing Profs and Sage Patterson at 451 Marketing again for the really nice camera.

5 guys burgers and the Obama Factor

5 guys burgers are very good, Keith Shaw from Network World and I were in DC a few months back and had them in Terminal B at Dulles. They are very good indeed. Last night on MSNBC the leader of the free world went out for 5 guys burgers. It was a planned covert operation where president Obama went out and got burgers for himself, staff and NBC correspondent Brian Williams.

Now in social media circles some speak of the Oprah factor in purchasing. Today Keith and I went with Jason Meserve to 5 Guys and they were very busy.

I asked a worker if business had always been so busy, and it was mentioned that they were much busier today the day after the MSNBC show aired. They reported that they were slammed all day with new customers they had never seen before at their location.

5 guys burgers it would appear then is benefiting by the Obama factor.

Know your limitations…

In Dirty Harry the last line of the film was “a man’s got to know his own limitations” I may be good at video production but as far as being an early adopter testing things like Friend feed and feeding it to face book and twitter I am a doofus.

Interesting tonight I pleaded to the Twitter cosmos to see if anyone had similar problems. 1 person a friend and colleague responded. Thanks Jason. The thing I also noticed that in my rant of frustration I got 10 more followers on twitter. 10 more people but no more help on this problem.

Chris Brogan got me and another 100o plus lemmings to respond to a Star Trek trivia question which of course I knew the answer on.

“ a mans got to know his own limitations”