Taking back the body…

A friend commented that I seem focused on fitness today on my facebook page. I am. I realized that in order to meet my grandkids some changes were in order. Good by Five guys hello veggies and hummus.

I recently joined a gym, after looking at a few places I joined focused on fitness on wethersfield road in Natick. The Owner is Andrew Provost and he’s been in athletics almost all his life. I figure if he can’t help me get back into less oblate shape then who can? His website is at http://www.focusedonfitness.com/ and he also has a fitness blog at http://focusedonfitnesswithandyprovost.blogspot.com/

I like the gym so far, and the people are all pretty friendly and always say hello. Andy also gives you a key so you can come in and workout whenever. He has given me tips and when I feel I am ready he will be assisting me with personal training. There are also group sessions and classes, but right now its about getting started again.

I am greatful I found this place, I once belonged to Golds gym but I am not really the muscle man type. I also went to another personal trainer but he seemed more interested in playing with fart machines then personal training.

Focused on fitness is a great fit for me. Now if I can just lose the 30 pounds I have set as my goal by next week…

Posted via email from The Bensleygram

Do you know what your relationship is with your client?

Sometimes in sales you think you know what the relationship is. You work hard and you hope to be rewarded for your efforts. Sometimes however all is not what it seems and if you don’t ask the right questions you can get fooled.  I was fooled recently.  I assumed. I hoped and thought that the client I was trying to work with would do the right thing. They didn’t and I was certain they wouldn’t but I was surprised nonetheless. I was hurt even.

I may have exacerbated the problem by venting.  Venting doesn’t help, it’s not professional and even if the relationship is solid it’s risky. You can look like a real dope. Fortunately I think the person understood where I was comming from, I hope she did.

I think however if it all happened again, I would do the same thing. Not that I have not learned from the experience, but I think I would be better at asking the right questions so none of the above happened in the first place.
Have you ever had a situation get to you even when you knew it was coming?

Posted via email from The Bensleygram