Don’t be anyone’s Concierge…

Have you ever had a friend that only calls you when he needs to move, or have furniture moved in his house. Maybe he can’t remember that great NYC Steak restaurant you both went together to a few years back and he needs reminding.  Perhaps he forgot where Dinosaur barbecue in Harlem is again, or where a good 12 mile bike route is in Boston or perhaps where he could find a good video crew… Really?

Did you try and get together with this person anyway because you have been friends sorta for  almost 30 plus years. You invited him out to golf ½ a dozen times to lunch two or three times and dinner twice. Finally you try, and he says your invitation to dinner is bad on two fronts. One he just got fired while on vacation in Italy, and the bike route he needed was not needed the same night as the dinner party but was needed now because the bikes were on the rack at 9am on a Friday.

When you asked him to dinner that one last time, was your heart exhausted? Did dread creep in that he might actually accept?  That’s because you are no longer friends and the other person is treating you like a Concierge. Your friendship with said person died a few years back and its time to simply move on.

I’m not sorry, but I am nobody’s fucking Concierge, and it’s ironic in this case because said ex-friend has a wife in the hospitality industry. She is not a concierge however. She is a Catering Director or Beverage manager, whatever.

I am not sure how this happened but I got so sick of it, and I have written this person off now.  It’s too bad it came to this but perhaps on his death bed he will remember he needs something, then again I hope he doesn’t.

Privacy Source DES is stealing your money and Bank of America is helping them.

Today I found a charge on my Bank statement today from Privacy Source DES a company affiliated with Bank Of America. I had never heard of them before today. It appears however that according to Angela Jeffrey in their offices they have been stealing 129.99 out of my account rather anonymously for over 8 years.  The total theft of the amount stolen over this time period is 1039.92. The reason the charges went unnoticed is because the company is supposed to protect you from identity theft for Bank of America.

If this seems confusing it is. It gets much worse.  I was supposed to have received a welcome packet and an ID card some 7+ years ago in 2005. When I pressed on I found that the mailings were not going to the right address at all.  These mailings containing my personal credit information and credit card accounts have instead been sent to the wrong address for 8+ years.

I am aghast by the negligence of both Privacy Source DES and their affiliated partner Bank of America for letting this occur and continue to occur. I have stopped the most recent payment and was told that payment would be returned. I have asked that the full amount of 1039.92 be returned immediately.

If Privacy Source DES appears on your Bank of America Statement and you did not request their services call the office of the President at Privacy Source DES and ask for Megan Baron at 877-799 2511.

To learn more about Bank of America’s affiliation with Privacy Source DES please see

If you wish to file a complaint with your local attorney generals office against Privacy Source DES and or Bank of America you can find your local attorney general in your state listed in this National Directory of Attorney General’s.  NAAG | Current Attorneys General .