Ooops, Webex Event Center needs to add Mobile!

At my new place of work, We use Cisco / Webex quite a bit for webinars. We use it for video, slides, audio and webinars and the product works very well for the most part. We use Event Center and its a robust offering that allows for recordings, multi site presentations, video, audio and powerpoint. All of these features are much better than any other platform available currently.
The Event Center platform does not support mobile users, so no smartpad /Smartphone users yet. A lesser Webex offering does support mobile and that is called Meeting Center. It does not have the advanced functionality however. Really? less is more? Huh? really?
Cisco / Webex assures me they are working on incorporating mobile to the more advanced offering they are just not there yet.

It’s Bobby being Bobby

We are just a few weeks into the season but there is already trouble for Bobby Valentine in Boston.  This is not new this is Bobby being Bobby. He was the same way as manager for the NY Mets 10+ years ago, he is just more promotional and less filtered then back then. Granted losing your closer and star center fielder does not help, but calling out Kevin Youkilis when Youk is struggling and perhaps “not as emotionally attached” to baseball as Bobby V would assert is just stupid and inaccurate. It is also probably harder for Youk to concentrate on baseball now that he is perceived by the Beckett bunch perhaps as the team snitch when it comes to Chicken gate. Batting while looking over your shoulder has got to suck. I may not agree with Curt Shilling and some of his politics, but I agree any real fan can see there is an issue brewing in Boston and it’s not a new Sam Adams summer lager.

Less social is more.

I deleted my Google+ account yesterday, did you notice? Probably not.  It was a clean sterile place where nobody cared what I posted and only a very few saw and actually commented.  It was like an after thought ghost town,  and one more social avenue for my inane drivel. I thought Google+ would catch on for serious discussion and answers but that’s what Quora is for.

I’m Baaaaack!

I know nobody really reads my blog except friends and family mostly and thats ok. I am back to work, working full time as the director of Multimedia at the Volpe Center DOT in Cambridge. Yes Skippy is a government contractor.

The new job found me via a board I thought had been relegated to obscurity. I was on and Craig’s looking, sending resumes, looking. I updated Linked in , got a premium job hunter account and even started my own networking group to help land a job.  This would have worked I’m sure if the job had not landed me.

After the initial shock wore off that I was a government contractor, I have made progress piecing the bread crumbs together and formulating what it is my predecessor did etc. We will also be looking for an assistant shortly. This job is too big for just me I assure you.

For those of you still looking I hope your next job finds you.  Just stay positive, promote yourself everywhere you can and follow up on every resume you send. If your resume needs work have a friend, loved one or service help you. There is nothing wrong with a professionally written resume.

Til next time…