New Address…

I have moved the Bensleygram to Posterous no more blog posts will be place here as of 6/21/2010.

New Address

What I have been up too

In late 2009, I wondered in a bad economy like that, what would I do in 2010? Then I started getting busy, then busier then crazy busy. Gary V calls it crushing it I think. I am now doubly employed and will soon need a staff or a good cloning. I recently joined the folks at Corporate audio visual services. ( They are a NY based Company ( but the owner is from MA) however so no Yankee jokes. He ( Joe Guilderson) has been holding his own and then some in the NYC area since 1985, and hates the Yankees. His office is all about the Redsox and Fenway park. We have opened a Boston office in beautiful Medford square, and we will be providing Audio Visual Staging and support to the Boston and New England communities.

If you are planning an event and need AV equipment, rentals and or AV Tech support you can reach me at 617.245.0393 I also know a guy that does video production brilliantly. Hope your well
