So what are you doing now?


Many people seem to be confused with what I do now. Some call me a videographer, some say I am an AV dude, while others think I am some sort of social media guru. I may be a little bit of all three, but let me try and explain.

I produce video through my company Brilliant Video Productions aka @brilliantvideo on twitter. I started this company in 2001 and we shoot, edit, stream and distribute video for podcasts, web sites and DVD. We use our extensive social media expertise to help get your video seen.

I also help support conferences, meetings and special events through Corporate Audio Visual Services aka @corporate_av on twitter. We specialize in being your dedicated partner in AV. We supply solutions and just “AV stuff”.

I currently spend time shuttling between two offices in Metrowest, MA and just north of Boston. If you see a shiny Silver Kia Koupe fly by that was me. I used to text from the road but have given that up. I will check in on my way to work but only when at a complete stop. No seriously.

Lastly, I also help small companies and non profits get started with social media. IE Twitter, Facebook and even blogging. Yes there are lots of people just starting out still. I can point them to the good blogs I have read and give them a good starting point.

I am also a member of ISES New england, SBANE, and I started the Metrowest Media Makers. a group of artists and social media types ( use your own definition here) that meets monthly in Framingham, MA to talk about what we are working on and what we need help with. It’s fun and informative and you never know who might show up.

I hope this helps clears up what it is I am doing. If I can help you in any way please let me know.

Please wake up Boston Bruins


Dear Boston Bruins, Wake up you are in the playoffs. Hello anyone home? Do you really want it as bad as we do? You do realize that it was 1971 when you last skated lord stanley in the Old Boston Garden? Do you know that I have to distance myself now because of all of the heart braking loses since the 1980’s. You guys need to suck it up now and win. You supposedly had all the pieces for a deep run into something other then the night. Think about the diehard fans that bleed black and gold, the ones that have had season tickets since 1971. They want this, heck we want this it appears lots more then you do. You guys need to wake up, stop sleep walking and win the cup dam-nit.

Best Insurance Customer Service Ever

I have been a Commerce Insured driver for like 20+ years in Massachusetts. It’s not the company that is real good it’s their agent representatives. I think some of the Commerce Insurance antiquated systems need to be fixed, but that’s another blog written by somebody lots smarter than me. The Pevear Agency in Wellesley MA has always had the best customer Service people. Rick has a knack for finding people who care about their customers. I hear Commerce Insurance is looking into customer retention, Start with the Peveer agency, find out what Rick Pevear knows and then try and replicate it if you can. Kristy was my original saving grace and now Heidi is the Insurance savior. She just sent a check ( her own personal) for the balance on my insurance bill. It wasn’t much but ( I transcribed a few numbers) The fact that she just did it was way beyond customer service. She knew I would get cancelled otherwise by Commerce. Commerce Insurance sees people as dollar signs, balances due and transactions. The Pevear agency sees people well like people. Crazy idea huh?

Here is a link to the Pevear agency in Wellesley

It’s ok to be unhappy.

Today’s business moves fast, social media aids this. We are able to communicate, convey and be seen faster then ever before. A friend Ja-nae Duane posted a video recently about her own recent travels and what she learned about herself being on the road doing the social tour. She talked about being vulnerable and being able to lower you guard. Her video was poignant, and brave.

I mentioned on her Facebook that to take it a step further being real is ok. There has been a rather false assertion in social circles that the facade you is the transparent you. Thats not the case at all and anyone with any intelligence at all will see right through it anyway.
People come from different places and spaces, and they bring their baggage with them. It is ok to feel, and to be unhappy sometimes and not perfect. It’s also ok to be guarded sometimes around people. Some people online, are just not worth the offline time investment.
I think speaking your mind and being authentic rules. People ultimately will either accept you as you are, or not.
If they don’t accept you that’s OK also.