New Year , snowapocalypse2014, things that make you go huh?

I hope to be more active on this blog, in fact it may become a video blog of sorts going forward but I will have to see. For those of you subscribed I thank you for following which in the last year has appeared to be kind of a train wreck. I hope to be a better read in 2014 but it has taken me a few days to even admit that. 

On the brighter side we lost our kitchen water in the frozen #snowapocalypse14 that was NoreasterHercules (really no better name available) So doing dishes for 6 kids cut off from their beloved schools should be wondrous. They say we only got 21 inches but thats trying not to make it sound like 2 feet of snow which it is. Kind of the bandaid of the brain hemorrhage approach. 

The governor of Massachusetts has order state offices closed today and asked private business to remain closed while we dig out. The federal building I work at however remains open and I must figure a way to get to work or lose a vacation day. If I die trying to get to work however will my kids be taken care of by that same government? Life as a contractor… Things that make you go huh?

Be Safe out there.

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